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Minggu, 11 Juni 2017

field Trip

Hi guys, today i'm very excited, cause today i'll tell you about my story when I did a trip in jogjakarta with foreigner, okay let's check this out.

First, I went to Vredenburg Castle, located in 0Km of Jogjakarta City. I met with a German, she so beautiful, her name is Carolline, She so exited with the architecture of it's building. i met her with her guide, so i tried to make a deal with the guide to make a little interview with Corolline.
Carolline really loved Indonesian food, 

Then i tried to explore another places near the castle, and i walked around malioboro street, by the chance, i met 2 foreigners from France and dutch, their names are Alex and Jack. They're just arrived to Jakarta 3 days ago and then come to Jogjakarta. They'll continue their trip to Sumatra later.
after took an interview with Jack and Alex, I try to explore another places again.

and finally i came to Tamansari, it was a water castle, and i met with 2 foreigners from England, they're Laila and Elie, which Laila From London, and Elie from Manchaster, they're just arrived to Jogjakarta a few days ago, they're so excited with Indonesian Food, weather, and people. which it has a different than in London. yo know, Indonesia has a great culture, and i think, west people would be shocked with our culture.

okay it was a little my story meet with foreigner in Jogjakarta. i have a video you can enjoy, this video shows my trip based story i tell you before.
let's check this out.
Published by LinggaYoni's administrator - 16.05

childhood story

I would tell the story of my childhood,
It was happen when I was 7.
my story has begun when I ride bicycle with my friends,  they really pretty cool when ride their bicycles,  I really want to be like them,  that's why I always try hard to be cooler than them,  but didn't realize the time I ride my bicycle for a long time and I Heard a Voice from far away it was my mom my mom told me that I have to go home right now because it's getting dark outside but I didn't want to went home fastly  I just ride my bicycle I didn't hear my mom, I just ride my bicycle didn't hear anything but my mom told me to back home again but because of I'm very excited I didn't hear anymore and just ride straight but not far from my mom I ride my bicycle fastly and I don't know that there was alots of my friend are play around the garden and finally I crashed one of my friend unfortunately beside of my friend I crashed of, there was a river, a wide river, a deep river,  and I fail to the river, I cried a lot, my mom ran over me and cried a lot too cause she looked me so bad wetly. I ate so much stuff in river,  I didn't know how much stuff I ate, I felt I gonna die soon hahaha.  I thought it hard after the accident,  I thought it was happen because of my fault.  I didn't hear my mom in magrin time,  I didn't want it happened again in the future I will always listened to my mom everytime, everywhere. I got the lesson that I have to listened our parents bo matter what happens, I hope you'll grab some lesson too from my childhood story,

Published by LinggaYoni's administrator - 15.00

Selasa, 23 Mei 2017

Hasil gambar untuk bimakroda

Extreme culinary / Food
Hello guys how are you today ? I hope everything’s works well.
Okay today I’m gonna tell yo about something exited things I ever eat. Yeah, today I’ll tell you a story about culinaryor food I ever eat before
What is that
Firstly before I tell you my story, I want to explain about background of myself, i was born in Javanese culture, but today I will tell you about Culinary from Bali, the most ingredient is from a pork,
For me, because I’m a mosleem, it’s a strength thing to eat, actually I’ve been banned to eat a pork. But at the first time I don’t know what is the main ingredient  of  it’s  culinary. So this is how the story begin.
In a sunny day I still sleepy in my room, suddenly one off my friend come to me and ask me, “have you eat today sat ?” I just answered “no, I haven’t” then he ask me to join him to having lunch, I didn’t think it loud, so I just give an okay answer to him.
With my motorbike we have arrived in a restaurant that I never come. I ask him what kinda restaurant here, but he just tell me that, it’s a good taste restaurant, so I just try it. He ordered me the main course, it has a rice, soup, satay, pepes, and a meat. At he first time, I just enjoy it. Until I finished my lunch, he ask me how was the taste, I just say it has a good taste, then he told me the truth that a lunch that I ate was made from a pork, suddenly I shocked out and dunno what happen to me and suddenly speechless hehe. If you were me, you’ll very shocked, really.

The food was made from pork, chicken blood, and pig oil. I’m very shocked heard that things, I hope it’s the last time I ate something like that haha . thanks for reading… see you….
Published by LinggaYoni's administrator - 09.11

Senin, 02 Januari 2017

My Croatian Friend

Bok !!!

Hi !!!
Bok!!! in Croatian means Hi!!!.
Woooah, why suddenly I talk about Croatian ? Cause today I'll introduce you guys my friend from Croatian, She is amazing girl and now she lives in Indonesia, Who is her ?
Her name is Julija Novosel , her Nationality is Croatian, she come here to learn something new, in Indonesia, what is that ?
Exactly, She is now learning a traditional music from Indonesia called Karawitan. Wooahh, That's why I told you guys she is amazing, it was impressive cause there is a Foreigner want to learn our culture, it's not a joke, she is playing gamelan and Java musical, She is get her collage now in ISI (Institute Seni Indonesia) yeah it's located in Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta.
okey I've been Had a conversation with her, I'll show you now on my Youtube channel bellow guys.

Yeah, you can see how glad she learn and know our culture, 
Julija ( Julia ) is from Croatian a country located on south east Europe. and has Join Europe Union in 2013.
Croatian's real name is Hrvatska or Republika Hrvatska
with Zagreb as their Capital city.
Published by LinggaYoni's administrator - 09.15



Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence. The Articles — a, an, and the — are adjectives.
  • the tall professor
  • the lugubrious lieutenant
  • a solid commitment
  • a month's pay
  • a six-year-old child
  • the unhappiest, richest man
If a group of words containing a subject and verb acts as an adjective, it is called an Adjective Clause. My sister, who is much older than I am, is an engineer. If an adjective clause is stripped of its subject and verb, the resulting modifier becomes an Adjective Phrase: He is the man who is keeping my family in the poorhouse.

Before getting into other usage considerations, one general note about the use — or over-use — of adjectives: Adjectives are frail; don't ask them to do more work than they should. Let your broad-shouldered verbs and nouns do the hard work of description. Be particularly cautious in your use of adjectives that don't have much to say in the first place: interesting, beautiful, lovely, exciting. It is your job as a writer to create beauty and excitement and interest, and when you simply insist on its presence without showing it to your reader — well, you're convincing no one.

Consider the uses of modifiers in this adjectivally rich paragraph from Thomas Wolfe's Look Homeward, Angel. (Charles Scribner's, 1929, p. 69.) Adjectives are highlighted in this colorparticiples, verb forms acting as adjectives, are highlighted in this blue. Some people would argue that words that are part of a name — like "East India Tea House — are not really adjectival and that possessive nouns — father'sfarmer's — are not technically adjectives, but we've included them in our analysis of Wolfe's text.
He remembered yet the East India Tea House at the Fair, the sandalwood, the turbans, and the robes, the cool interior and the smell of India tea; and he had felt now the nostalgic thrill of dew-wet mornings in Spring, the cherry scent, the cool clarion earth, the wet loaminess of the garden, the pungent breakfast smells and the floating snow of blossoms. He knew the inchoate sharp excitement of hot dandelions in young earth; in July, of watermelons bedded in sweet hay, inside a farmer's covered wagon; of cantaloupe and crated peaches; and the scent of orange rind, bitter-sweet, before a fire of coals. He knew the good male smell of his father's sitting-room; of the smooth worn leather sofa, with the gaping horse-hair rent; of the blistered varnished wood upon the hearth; of the heated calf-skin bindings; of the flat moist plug of apple tobacco, stuck with a red flag; of wood-smoke and burnt leaves in October; of the brown tired autumn earth; of honey-suckle at night; of warm nasturtiums, of a clean ruddy farmer who comes weekly with printed butter, eggs, and milk; of fat limp underdone bacon and of coffee; of a bakery-oven in the wind; of large deep-hued stringbeans smoking-hot and seasoned well with salt and butter; of a room of old pine boards in which books and carpets have been stored, long closed; of Concord grapes in their long white baskets.

An abundance of adjectives like this would be uncommon in contemporary prose. Whether we have lost something or not is left up to you.

Position of Adjectives

Unlike Adverbs, which often seem capable of popping up almost anywhere in a sentence, adjectives nearly always appear immediately before the noun or noun phrase that they modify. Sometimes they appear in a string of adjectives, and when they do, they appear in a set order according to category. (See Below.) When indefinite pronouns — such as something, someone, anybody — are modified by an adjective, the adjective comes after the pronoun:
Anyone capable of doing something horrible to someone nice should be punished.
Something wicked this way comes.
And there are certain adjectives that, in combination with certain words, are always "postpositive" (coming after the thing they modify):
The president elect, heir apparent to the Glitzy fortune, lives in New York proper.
See, also, the note on a- adjectives, below, for the position of such words as "ablaze, aloof, aghast."

Degrees of Adjectives

Adjectives can express degrees of modification:
  • Gladys is a rich woman, but Josie is richer than Gladys, and Sadie is the richest woman in town.
The degrees of comparison are known as the positive, the comparative, and the superlative. (Actually, only the comparative and superlative show degrees.) We use the comparative for comparing two things and the superlative for comparing three or more things. Notice that the word than frequently accompanies the comparative and the word the precedes the superlative. The inflected suffixes -er and -est suffice to form most comparatives and superlatives, although we need -ier and -iest when a two-syllable adjective ends in y (happier and happiest); otherwise we use more and most when an adjective has more than one syllable.
Click on the "scary bear" to read and hear George Newall's "Unpack Your Adjectives" (from Scholastic Rock, 1975).
Schoolhouse Rock® and its characters and ABCother elements are trademarks and service marks of American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. Used with permission.

beautifulmore beautifulmost beautiful
Certain adjectives have irregular forms in the comparative and superlative degrees:
Irregular Comparative and Superlative Forms

Be careful not to form comparatives or superlatives of adjectives which already express an extreme of comparison — unique, for instance — although it probably is possible to form comparative forms of most adjectives: something can be more perfect, and someone can have a fuller figure. People who argue that one woman cannot be more pregnant than another have never been nine-months pregnant with twins.
Grammar's Response
According to Bryan Garner, "complete" is one of those adjectives that does not admit of comparative degrees. We could say, however, "more nearly complete." I am sure that I have not been consistent in my application of this principle in the Guide (I can hear myself, now, saying something like "less adequate" or "more preferable" or "less fatal"). Other adjectives that Garner would include in this list are as follows:

         absolute         impossible         principal
         adequate         inevitable         stationary
         chief         irrevocable         sufficient
         complete         main         unanimous
         devoid         manifest         unavoidable
         entire         minor         unbroken
         fatal         paramount         unique
         final         perpetual         universal
         ideal         preferable         whole
Published by LinggaYoni's administrator - 09.00

All about my self

           Assalamualaikum wr wb.
     Hi guys, my name is Aji Satriyo Pamungkas, you can call me Aji for short. I was born in Semarang, October 7th 1997, I'm a Javanese. I was live in Semarang with my parents, from i was born 'till I've graduated on my vocational high school, and now I live in Yogyakarta cause I do my collage here. 
     I was did my school firstly in TK Pertiwi 10, it's near with my house there, and I continues my study on SD Trimulyo 01,  then I graduated from my elementary, and Join SMP Negeri 20 Semarang. While everybody choose a High school to be the next school, I choose Vocational high school and grab my Architecture there. I was learn in SMK Negeri 4 Semarang.
     When I'm in school I join Paskibra and Paskibraka for sure. Aaa a lots of people didn't know what is the different about those two things. Paskibra is a group a lots of students responsibility to rise the flag and line of march for join a competition with another school, and the basis are in the school. While, Paskibraka is a group with a teenagers in it with a responsibility rise the flag in the seconds to independence day of Indonesia, it was in 10 a.m. and has three levels of duty, it was in City degree, Province degree and the last is National degree. 
     There is an effort to reach my position as a Paskibra and Paskibraka. I have to use my time for line of march, learn how is the history of Paskibraka, Learn my culture and have often physical training everyday, run, push up, sit up, back up and etc. but I really proud to be a Paskibraka, it was my only one amazing experience.
     What is my achievement in Paskibra and Paskibraka ? okay I'll show you guys .

     The left one is when I'm confirmed as a member of PASKIBRAKA KOTA SEMARANG 2014 in front of mayor, it  was in an inaguration of Paskibraka Kota Semarang 2014. It was my proudest moment while I tied with a gird prowess in front of my parents, headmaster and mayor.
     The right one is when I was join a Competition of Paskibra in some collage in Semarang. I've got so many trophy at those moments, It was my proudly moment too.
     Not only just join a Competition, as a commander in my organization I have responsibility to coaching my junior in school to be a winner in next competition, and Alhamdulillah I can do that and bring my squad as a winner there and get 3 trophy included a General winner.
Published by LinggaYoni's administrator - 07.00

What is Adverb ?

Hi everybody, thanks to stay in my article. Today I’ll discussed about another part of speech ? what is that ? according to our title’s today, it was an Adverb. Hey do you know what is the meaning of Adverb guys ?

An adverb is a word that is used to change or qualify the meaning of an adjective, a verb, a clause, another adverb, or any other type of word or phrase with the exception of determiners and adjectives that directly modify nouns.

It was different with verb okay guys ? then, what is our discussion today ? firstly I want to you know how and when is the Adverb are covered in our speeches or writing. Let’s check it out the factor to covered an Adverb.
  • · When? She always arrives early. 
  • · How? He drives carefully. 
  • · Where? They go everywhere together. 
  • · In what way? She eats slowly. 
  • · To what extent? It is terribly hot. 
 For completely table, we can see the picture bellow

Hasil gambar untuk adverb

Examples of Adverbs

As you read each of the following adverb examples, note that the adverbs have been italicized for easy identification. Consider how replacing the existing adverbs with different ones would change the meaning of each sentence.

1. She was walking rapidly.

2. The kids love playing together in the sandbox.

3. Please come inside now.

4. His jokes are always very funny.

5. You don’t really care, do you?

Adverb List
Hasil gambar untuk adverb
Published by LinggaYoni's administrator - 04.36

